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Monday, August 24, 2020
Project Report on Education Society
GURUKUL EDUCATION SOCIETY DETAILED PROJECT REPORT FOR ESTABLISHING AN EDUCATION SOCIETY SCHOOL and COMMERCE INSTITUTE IN INDIA CONTENTS Page No. Preface CHAPTER I : BRIEF DETAILS OF COLLABORATING PARTNERS. 1. 1. Presentation : 1. 2. Foundation of the Consultants 1. 3. Specialized Education and Industry Scenario CHAPTER II : THE PROMOTING BODY 2. 1. Prologue to its Genesis including its Registration Status 2. 2. Subtleties of its Promoters including their Background 2. 3.Activities of the Promoting Body including a posting of major instructive limited time exercises attempted till now. 2. 4. Crucial the Promoting Body 2. 5. Vision of the Promoting Body CHAPTER III : OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE OF THE PROPOSED Program 3. 1 Objectives 3. 2 General and Commerce Education Scenario in the State 3. 3 Status at Entry Level 3. 4. Status of Commerce Level labor 3. 5 Industrial Scenario of the State 3. 6 Scope of the College versus the Industrial Scenario and Educational Facilities effectively accessi ble in the State and in this Institute.CHAPTER IV :ACADEMIC Programs 4. 1 Basic Academic Philosophy of the Institution 4. 2 Types of Programs 4. 3. Recognized Programs 4. 4. Stage shrewd Introduction of Programs and Intake 4. 5 Target Date for Start of Academic Programs 4. 6 Central Computing office 4. 7 Central Library 4. 8 Affiliating Body 4. 11 Scholarships CHAPTER V: SALIENT FEATURES OF ACADEMIC DIVISIONS 5. 1 Classification of Academic Divisions I. e. Departments,Centres, Schools, Central Academic Facilities. 5. 2. (I) Commerce (120 seats) 5. 2. (I) 1 Academic Objectives 5. 2. (I) 2. : Areas of Focus . 2. (I) 3. : Academic Program 5. 2. 4 : Faculty Requirement and Phase-wise Recruitment 5. 2. 5 : Requirement of Laboratories, Space and Equipment (cost) 5. 2. 6 : Requirement of other Space like Class Rooms,Faculty Rooms, Departmental Office. Section VI : LINKAGES IN TECHNICAL EDUCATION 6. 1. : Introduction 6. 2. : Linkages with Industry 6. 3. : Linkages with the Community 6. 4. : Linkages with Institutions of greatness, for example, the IIMs and ICAI. 6. 5. : Linkages Abroad CHAPTER VII : GOVERNANCE 7. 1. : Philosophy of Governance 7. 2. : State and Central GovernanceCHAPTER VIII : ACADEMIC and ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT 8. 1. : Organizational Structure and Chart for everyday Operations and Management 8. 2. : Role and Responsibilities of Key Senior Positions 8. 3. : Methods/Style of Administration/Management CHAPTER I : BRIEF DETAILS OF COLLABORATING PARTNERS. A. Gurukul Education Society In the accompanying pages brief subtleties of working together parteners 1) â€â€â€ and 2) â€â€- are given B. Prologue To fulfill the expanding need of qualified labor in the field of rising territories of business and Industry.And to give the Primary training offices to normal man in town, Gurukul Education society, pune is framed with the endorsement of All India chamber for Education, Govt of india. It is partnered to Pune University and Pune Board. In toda ys World of 21 century, our nation is on the guide of Globalization, subsequently an ever increasing number of businesses are pulling in towards India and uniquely towards Rural Area. As they are thinking about there rustic territory as gainful speculation. Consequently Gurukul Education society is wanting to open a Primary School and Commerce school in Pune District at Yavat.C. Backround of the Counsultants. Arrangement Provider pvt. Ltd. are selected as specialists to regularize and help for venture finishing. The Solution Provider are serving different customers for most recent 25 years. They have generally excellent altruism in showcase and responsibility complier. Section II : THE PROMOTING BODY 2. 1 Introduction to its Genesis including its Registration Status Gurukul Education Society, enlisted in 1998 in pune has built up Gurukul Institute of business in Pune. Whose individuals incorporate notable Industrialists, Businessmen, Professionals and Educationists.The individuals r elated with the Society are occupied with rendering social administrations in Pune and Mumbai. The individuals from the general public are resolved to give the venture expected to the training with worldwide intensity. No trade off is made in guaranteeing the high caliber of training in the Institute. 2. 2. Subtleties of its Promoters including their Background The advertisers comprise of Industrialists, Businessmen, Professionals Educationists. The rundown is given on the accompanying pages. In there are an enormous number of individuals in the accompanying classifications: (I) Founder Members : 44 ii) Members : 39 (iii) Aajiwan Sahyogi : 156 (iv) Donors : 21 2. 3 Activities of the Promoting Body including a posting of major instructive limited time exercises embrace till now. The advertisers of the general public have been engaged with different exercises identified with fundamental and expert instruction, social insurance and have set up various instructive organizations comprisi ng of Engineering College, Polytechnic, ITI and are additionally overseeing Five Public Schools at different areas in Maharashtra. 2. 4 Mission of the Promoting Body The missions are referenced beneath: 1.To organize, build up, run and oversee Nursery, Primary Higher Secondary and Higher Education in Commerce Institutions. Schools for a wide range of advanced education; groundwork for different serious assessments and common administrations and to give training to the General Public, poor and destitute youngsters, SC, ST Community and different segments of the general public and to give instruction according to the Policy of the Govt. of India. 2. To mastermind, build up run, oversee, control, lookafter, and super-tight clamp Commerce Educational Institutions, Colleges, Lecture corridors, low maintenance Coaching Education Center n Charitable premise and different foundations or Institution for headway of instruction and information in expressions, science, sociology, information on open hygine, writing and humanities, and so forth 3. To set up condition protection and contamination control focuses to limit the spread of contamination and to direct such projects which focus on conservation of condition, improvement and control of contamination. 2. 5 Vision of the Promoting Body †¢ To accommodate greatness in Commerce Education and Research. To give PCs as: a guide to contemplate, an object of study, an expert device, a scholarly apparatus, an instrument of social change. †¢ To create solid relational abilities in the understudies †¢ To make mindfulness for social, chronicled, moral, social and human qualities. †¢ To make a culture for self and long lasting learning. †¢ To make a scholarly soul and capacity for basic judgment. †¢ To build up a cooperative relationship with businesses. †¢ To create enterprise programs and advance understudy business visionaries. †¢ To create proceeding with instruction programs. To make a mindfulness for improvement with value and natural qualities. †¢ To embrace asset age and give consultancy administrations. Part III : OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE OF THE PROPOSED Program 3. 1 Objectives 3. 1-I GURUKUL SCHOOL. * To elevate starter instruction * To open Marathi medium and English medium school * To advance additional roundabout exercises, for example, sports, social exercises, craftsmanship and so on * Enhancement of nature of training to understudies 3. 1-ii GURUKUL COMMERCE COLLEGE. * Access to present day course material of global level. Upgrade of nature of instruction to understudies. * Enhancement in roads for employments to the understudy. * Enhancement in esteem expansion to the current program. * Initiation of post graduation training. 3. 2 General and Commerce Education Scenario in the State Pune can be appropriately called an Educational city. There is One Central Universities, and various Deemed Universities. 3. 3 Status at Entry Level Gurukul School Child f inished 3 years old can begin Pre primer house followed by Preliminary and optional school life. Gurukul Commerce College 0+2 understudies in Commerce stream pick Commerce Courses. The quantity of seats accessible in Pune per thousand understudies contrasted with different states is extremely low. This awkwardness should be amended. Section IV: ACADEMIC Programs 4. 1 Classification of Academic Division The accompanying significant divisions/offices exist in the school and school. * Pre starter * Preliminary (Std. first to fourth ) * Secondary ( Std. fifth to tenth ) * Higher Secondary ( Std. eleventh and twelfth ) * Graduation in Commerce ( B. com) * Post Graduation in Commerce (M. com) 4. 2 Entrepreneurship:Entrepreneurship is the best support of the general public. The product of Commerce is collected by the business person and served to the general public in various bins and bundles. The thriving of the general public is straightforwardly connected to the effective business peopl e. 4. 3 Liberalization and Globalization: If a general public is constrained to single out one determinant of seriousness, in the period of globalization based economy, one has no choice yet to pick business instruction since at long last individuals are a definitive resources in worldwide rivalry. This Institute grants training for worldwide intensity. . 4 Computerization of Learning Process : as of now referenced, Computer is the focal mechanism for the learning procedure viz, (I) Visualization of ideas and procedures through designs and sight and sound in multidimensional continuum, (ii) Analytical subtleties under changing parameters and condition, (iii) Tutorial programming for more profound comprehension of the subject, (iv) Self paced realizing, which typically can not be made without PCs. The Institute gives consistent chances to creative learning. Section V: SALIENT FEATURES OF ACADEMIC DIVISIONS 5. 1. :Scholastic ObjectivesThrough this course of School and undergrads are k nowledgeable in Commerce and being made mindful of the unlimited open doors opened by the utilization of scholarly information and data innovation for an all out coordination of framework crossing and worldwide situation. There is an extraordinary interest for such labor as the industr
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Influence of the Professional Sports Leagues Research Paper
The Influence of the Professional Sports Leagues - Research Paper Example Wearing clubs have created proficient administering bodies, which manage and create structures that target making the games business fascinating. The point of the overseeing bodies is to build ideal creation in the games business (Kã ©senne, 2007: 6). Sports groups are serious and are the absolute most paying ventures the world over. A portion of the generously compensated characters are athletes. For example, English Premier League, Champions League, and La-Liga are a portion of the promising games classes that order a great deal of benefit in the globe. The pay that these classes win adds to the GDP of different nations. Rugby, Athletics, Golf, Baseball, Cricket and so on are a few instances of a games association that adds to the economy. Business analysts accept the eventual fate of the wearing business has a splendid future in light of the fact that the business doesn't rehearse restraining infrastructure, which is answerable for low quality items and significant expenses saw i n other business divisions. Sports industry advances a free market where the seriousness of the items impacts the quality and costs. Examiners contend that opposition in the games business isn't sound a result of its effect on the work showcase (Masteralexis and Hums, 2011:121). In such manner, the rich clubs utilize high wages to keep up top players in the club, along these lines grasping top situations in the class. This marvel makes ideal rivalry hard for the less rich clubs, which can't accepting top players at high market costs. This open door makes the affluent clubs to hotspot for the top players along these lines hampering solid rivalry in the business.
Monday, July 20, 2020
8 Great Books on Motherhood to Read for Mothers Day
8 Great Books on Motherhood to Read for Mothers Day Mother’s Day is still a unique holiday for meâ€"this is only my second one being a mom, and while I do think much of it is a Hallmark holiday, I also think it’s nice to honor the people who’ve helped us become who we are todayâ€"mothers, stepmothers, aunts, grandmothers, female mentors, other-mothers, and so forth. I love reading memoirs and books about different kinds of motherhood experiences, because I think too often, we see the social media-approved kind of motherhood. You know the kind: everyone is always happy, kids impeccably dressed, moms with stylish clothes, good hair, and drinking hot coffeeâ€"and always with the hashtag #blessed, used unironically. Me? I’m over here in my mom uniform of a geeky tee and cardigan (easy access for nursing), trying to wrangle my toddler and keep him from shoving all of his toys in back of the couch, guzzling my coffee before it turns to complete ice, and hoping I brushed my teeth, because Im too exhausted to accurately remember. And my #blessed captions? Yeah, that’s sarcasm. But even behind those picture-perfect Instagram posts lie storiesâ€"often ones we never expected, which is why I crave stories of motherhood. Whether memoir or fiction, I want more. I want the messy, beautiful, gross, painful, amazing, heart-wrenching stories about raising tiny humans. Because it isn’t easyâ€"but reading about other people doing it makes it feel a little less difficult. Here are some that Ive read recently that have been recently published or are coming out soon. End of the Rope: Mountains, Marriage, and Motherhood by Jan Redford (May 8th) As someone who would NEVER EVER climb a mountain, this book was incredibly fascinating to me. I liked this book because it accurately reflected what women know to be true, but what movies and books often play down: motherhood is just a part of our larger stories. This was a memoir about loveâ€"romantic, and that of sport. It also illustrated conflicts between work, marriage, and motherhood, and the constant examination of identity. Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie I was sent the newly released paperback version of this, and while Id heard good things about it last year when it came out in hardback, I never got around to reading it. Well, I cracked it open (its a pretty thin, portable volume) and couldnt stop reading. I took screenshots of pages and sent them to a friend of mine whod just had a baby. Written as a response to a friend who asked her how to raise a feminist, Adichie gives gentle advice while raising a lot of important questions. This is something I want to give ALL of my friends who are pregnant or newly mothers. The Rebel Mama’s Handbook For (Cool) Moms Vol 1: Early Motherhood by Aleksandra Jassem and Nikita Stanley This “handbook†was written by the creators of the website The Rebel Mama, the “anti-mom blog.†(Don’t worry, there’s a Rebel Papa section on the website, too). Funded by Kickstarter, this book is the antithesis to the fear-mongering and guilt-inducing What to Expect. Covering everything from what you really need to put on your registry and how to deal with the deluge of unwanted and unasked-for advice you get once you start showing, to what really happens after birth, and dealing with the mess and tediumâ€"yes, tedium!â€"of a newborn. There is so much more, thoughâ€"it’s jam-packed with girlfriend-to-girlfriend advice about mom-dating, dressing for a changing postpartum body, and basically, I wish I had this two years ago when I gave birth. (You can buy the book from the website). The Mere Wife: A Novel by Maria Dahvana Headley (July 17th) I admit, when I got the publicity materials for thisâ€"“Beowulf in the suburbsâ€â€"I was not won over. But fellow Rioters told me her writing was wonderful, so I gave it a chance, and oh, am I so glad I did. This novel was like nothing I’d ever read, and I’ve included it in this list because its two depictions of motherhood are gut-wrenching and tender, even in their violence. The two women live alongside each other, but couldn’t be more differentâ€"a rich socialite and a veteran whom everyone saw die on television. Each has a son, and when the sons form a friendship, no one’s life is spared from the fallout. Revolutionary Mothering: Love on the Front Lines, edited by Alexis Pauline Gumbs, China Martens and Maia Williams You need to read this anthology. Like, now. Predominantly written by women of color and other marginalized mothers (queer, single, poor, Latinx, disabled, etc), this book is powerful, its real, and its beautiful. There are essays, poems, manifestos, critical pieces, and everything in between. This book looks at performing motherhood as a radical event: raising the next generation, against all odds, in the face of hardship and difficulty, and opens the space for communication about justice, disparities, and equality. Conceivability: What I Learned Exploring the Frontiers of Fertility by Elizabeth Katkin (June 19th) Did you know that nearly 1 in 10 American women will seek medical assistance regarding fertility? We see the social media stories about women in their 40s and even 50s giving birth, but we don’t stop to think about how they got there. We assume now that egg freezing is available, our biological clocks can be put on hold. It’s not that easy, and Katkin weaves memoir, reportage, and criticism in this important book. There is an element of privilegeâ€"most states do not require mandatory insurance coverage for infertility, and she has the resources to do 10 IVF cycles and travel internationally to pursue motherhood. Despite that, the book is well-researched and an important one to add to the literature about assisted reproduction. I’m Just Happy to be Here: a Memoir of Renegade Mothering by Janelle Hanchett Hanchett is the creator of the blog “Renegade Mothering,†and I was really excited to read something honest, something realâ€"as she says, something that blows apart “the sanctity of motherhood.†This is Hanchett’s memoir of addiction and eventual recovery, and it’s not an easy read. She doesn’t portray herself well at all, and at several points, I had to put the book aside, I was so exasperated with herâ€"but it is this commitment to honesty that made me go back and finish the book. It might not be for everyone, but it was nice to read something different about the motherhood journey. I did, however, want more of the “after,†but there’s always her blog. Small Animals: Parenthood in the Age of Fear by Kim Brooks (August 21st) When Brooks left her four-year-old son in the car, watching something on his tablet, as she ran into the store to quickly buy something, she found herself on the news, at the center of what can only be called a massive shitstorm. She was accused of child endangerment, and people had super strong feelings about her actions. It led her to examine the concept of parenthood todayâ€"how parenthood is now a competitive sport, everyone under constant scrutiny, and the anxiety that comes with constant surveillance. What books about motherhood do you find yourself reading? Looking for more books on motherhood? Check out 100 Must-Read Books About Mothers and Motherhood, 10 Great Books about Mother-Daughter Relationships, and all of our motherhood discussions.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Rocking Horse Winner By. Lawrence Essay - 1668 Words
â€Å"There s so much grey to every story - nothing is so black and white.†(Ling) There is something about fiction, but mainly short stories that attract the reader into its daydream like trance. The fiction of the stories traps the readers by the plethora of creative characters, themes pertaining to the daily life, and symbolism; that help the reader develop a liking and attraction to these types of writings. But the combination of the creative and dynamic characters plus vague descriptions of the story’s setting create, adventurism. Adventurism, the ability of the writer to slyly incorporate ambiguous writing into their work to allow the reader to have the sense of discovery. This discovery is the reader’s deep thought to understand who, why, and how the characters dynamic structure with addition to the story’s settings contribute to the end result, the resolution. Through â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner†by D.H. Lawrence pushed the idea of excessi ve want and the effect towards family, but creates mystery and adventure through the protagonist. Mr. Burroughs’s â€Å"No Defense for ‘The Rocking-Horse Winner’†illustrates the effectiveness of the lack of information to promote imaginative qualities for the reader. Also, Allegory and the Death of the Heart in the Rocking-Horse Winner †by Mr. Koban pushes the aspect of delusion of the characters to entice thought. In the â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†by Edger Allan Poe produces a story about true obscurity for the reader, and the murderousShow MoreRelatedThe Rocking Horse Winner By. Lawrence1041 Words  | 5 Pagestime in their lives when they have felt a â€Å"grinding sense of shortage of money†when examining their personal finances (Lawrence 1). D.H Lawrence’s short story, â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner†was originally published in July 1926, in a magazine called Harper’s Bazaar. The odd short story incl udes elements of fables and fantasies presenting morals and somewhat magical powers. Lawrence describes the downfall of an English family who focuses on money and luck rather than love and appreciation. Paul, theRead MoreThe Rocking Horse Winner By F. Lawrence2382 Words  | 10 Pages One of the emotional essentials of life is to be loved, and there are quite a few cases where material things can hinder receiving this much-needed love, the greatest culprit of all being money. D. H. Lawrence’s short story â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner†tells of a boy, Paul, who desires love and affection from his mother, Hester, but she is so wrapped up in her concerns with money that she does not display any of this needed affection toward her son or any of her children. She has grown unloving andRead More The Rocking-Horse Winner by D.H. Lawrence Essay652 Words  | 3 PagesThe Rocking-Horse Winner by D.H. Lawrence      The Rocking-Horse Winner is a complex story that is best understood if one examines it through the 5 Elements of Fiction: setting, character, plot, point of view and theme. This story is about a little boy named Paul who is trying to gain love and affection from his greedy mother. One day he told his mother that he had luck and he knew his mother did not believe him. This compelled him to go out and find luck on his own. He set off on his rockingRead More The Rocking Horse Winner by D.H. Lawrence Essay1083 Words  | 5 PagesThe Rocking Horse Winner by D.H. Lawrence Written in 1933, D.H. Lawrences short story The Rocking Horse Winner illustrates the consumptive nature of materialism. Through authors use of characterization, symbolism, and language in The Rocking Horse Winner, Lawrence successfully portrays a greedy and cold hearted mother, Hester, who attempts to fulfill the dissatisfaction in her life using wealth and material comfort. Lawrence uses Hester as an example to convey to the readers that materialismRead MoreThe Rocking Horse Winner by D.H. Lawrence Essay1000 Words  | 4 Pagesbut neglect the emotional aspects. The overpowering need for money takes a toll on families. D.H Lawrence’s short story explores the dynamics of money and its psychological toll. The story’s unhappy family in D.H Lawrence’s short story, â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner†, demonstrates the adverse psychological effects that derive from the insatiable desire of money and mindless consumerism. The stories dissatisfied family demonstrates the adverse psychological effects that arise from the insatiable desireRead MoreAnalysis of The Rocking Horse Winner by D.H. Lawrence1723 Words  | 7 PagesJust Keep Rocking Individuals have struggled with ignorance time and time again, and this ignorance can penetrate every aspect of their lives. In the short story by D. H. Lawrence, â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winnerâ€Å", young Paul has to encounter a series of misfortunate events, due to the fact that his beloved ambitious mother is unworthy of the what she has and each circumstance leads him and his family to great distress. With a burden on his shoulders, he will not stop until he gets what his mother desperatelyRead MoreThe Rocking Horse Winner By D. H. Lawrence985 Words  | 4 Pages In â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner,†D. H. Lawrence divulges into the exploration of how greed and social status can affect individuals and to those who are significant to them. A social statue to an individual signifies their interpretation of where they belong in society. It may vary between politics, influence on the community, wealth, and even power. If looked from a broad perspective, what they all have in common is the greed to have more, similar to the mother who supposedly married for love. GreedRead MoreThe Rocking Horse Winner By D. H. Lawrence1165 Words  | 5 Pages In the short story â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner†written by D. H. Lawrence, Paul is a young boy who fails in his quest to obtain the love of his mother, Hester. Initially, Paul fails because Hester is controlled by the possession and admiration of material wealth. Paul has the inability to change his mother’s values and in so cannot begin to attract her love. Secondly, Hester marries for love, but such love fades in time. Paul and his sisters are incapable of interacting with their mother withoutRead MoreThe Rocking Horse Winner By F. H. Lawrence, And The Lottery1155 Words  | 5 PagesThe Rocking-Horse Winner, the author utilizes setting, imagery, and irony to accomplish the hidden theme in this short story, which is the absence of love that prompt the quest for cash and material wealth , or greed, and will eventually obliterate happiness and prompt inevitable defeat. In The Lottery, the author uses its setting and irony to show the theme, which is violence and cruelty towards another human being shows there is a lack of love in the community. In The Rocking-Horse Winner, byRead MoreConformity in The Rocking-Horse Winner by D.H. Lawrence Essay821 Words  | 4 PagesIn The Rocking-Horse Winner by D.H. Lawrence, the family was unable to see what they really had going for them. Corrupted Conformity Many times, people believe that they must achieve a certain social status within a community due to the need of acceptance, or perhaps, simply the fear of being rejected. Communities normally demonstrate a positive atmosphere. They are supposed to be places where everyone knows and is kind to one another; one where people feel comfortable with each other
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Secret Of Their Eyes By Campanella Gave Me Feelings Of...
Though more than likely unintended, this movie â€Å"The Secret in Their Eyes†directed by Campanella gave me feelings of dread and despair the likes of which of have felt few other times in my life and left me with a relief and further acceptance of my dependence on God. First though I will discuss the local political themes expressed in the movie. As a foreign observer unaware of Argentina’s history or political climate, I was unable to pick up on the local subtleties of the film. Which after some digging perfectly matched up with fall into political violence proceeding the death of Argentine president Juan Peron. After the investigator’s that had a false confession beat out of a couple of suspects are reprimanded and punished the corruption and increasing moral decay mirrors that which faced Argentina. During this time of political violence and oppression as well as the â€Å"dirty†wars former criminals such as the murderer in the movie were pardoned a nd employed by the security service. The theme of gazing which is very prevalent throughout the movie. Another theme I will address is the beating down of and the undermining of machismo. Lastly past the political and societal themes I will discuss the impression this movie left on me. The theme of undermining machismo is prevalent and blunt throughout the movie. A theme that an Argentinian audience would have recognized much more easily than an American audience. The hero of the story Benjamin is ruthlessly beaten down to the
Multiculturalism in Leicester Free Essays
Out of all the cities in the UK Leicester is the most culturally diverse and it’s not ashamed to let it be known. It aims to support this mix of races into the area and much thought has been put into aiding the acceptance of immigrants into the city so they can mix with the white community and create an Asian mix. From the major start of immigration in the 1970’s it is now thought that Leicester has greater diversity in three blocks than anywhere else in Europe. We will write a custom essay sample on Multiculturalism in Leicester or any similar topic only for you Order Now There is not just a mix of race but also of religion and specific religious groups tend to be drawn to each other. Muslims concentrate in the Spiney hill and Stoneygate areas, and Hindu’s are mainly in Latimer, Belgrave and Rushy Mead, these religions stay very close knit whereas the Sikhs are spread across the whole city. This could be seen as segregation for the Muslims and Hindu’s but infact outside of these concentrations they are present in large numbers throughout the city apart from Eyres Monsell where there are few immigrant populations. The local government instead of becoming intolerant of the immigrant influx have defined the mix of races and religion in the city as one of their defining features. They believe the multiculturalism widens the experience of living introducing new arts, music, architecture, fashion and food and therefore aim to support the community relations. Throughout the city religious places of worship have been built to help accommodate the new comers. Leicester plays a huge role in accommodating refugees and asylum seekers who come to the UK following persecution in other countries. The city also hosts many of the religious and foreign festivals such as Mardi Gras and Caribbean Carnival. After the problems in the past of certain individuals and communities suffering from abuse Leicester tries to make it clear how all minorities have things to contribute to the society. This has helped people mix much easier and continues to get closer to Leicester’s aim of a healthy and diverse city. It has been thought the whole of the UK was ‘sleepwalking into segregation’ whilst cities who were thought to be culturally diverse are instead becoming ghettos. Much of the data on the mix of races in Leicester and other cities is found through the census however this does not tell the whole story about the immigrants. In Leicester Asian immigration is much higher than African immigration. An important thing to take into account is that the majority of the people migrating to Leicester are double migrants having already migrated somewhere once before moving to the UK. This has helped them mix in much easier as they have already faced the same difficulties before and have experience dealing with the issues faced. An example of this is Asian families migrating to Africa, and then government oppression causing them to move to the UK. Many of the family leaders are business men or professionals however their qualifications count for nothing in this country and they have had to start businesses from scratch to make use of their skills and bring an income to the household. The Leicester Asian Business Association helps to create a platform for new Asian businesses and gives a place to raise concern and discuss support. The workforce employed by these asian business men is just as mixed as Leicester itself. Companies also offer no difference to service for different races instead treating them all equally. One of the main reasons that segregation usually occurs is that immigrants want a place close to their building of worship. This meant that when they moved to new cities they would have to move in with their own group of people so that they are near the facilities that they often want. To help spread the cultures Leicester brought in these places of worship across the city. Immigrants also want a sense of equal opportunity and although there was much intolerance to their mixing there were also groups of white people who wanted to offer them opportunities to fit in. One such example is that planning departments grant permission much easier to build their places of worship. Leaflets were also given to new arrivals in their native language to help them settle. Whereas the migrants have to adapt to their new circumstances the current population also has to relate to their presence. To help the bonds with these new migrant Leicester started letting candidates come forward from the minority communities for electoral positions. By 2002 Half of the Labour group had councillors from minority groups. A race relations committee was also made of which the leader was a Ugandan refugee. So as shown the mix of races in Leicester is huge and segregation is kept to a minimum. But perhaps most importantly and impressively the minorities have people representing them in government positions which is vital to their integration into the city. Without this representation and involvement in decisions and plans which will affect them mixing would be impossible and the immigrants would be forced into their own communities in which they would leave parallel lives. This is perhaps the key foundation that is needed for multiculturalism and some places like London should take hints from Leicester to make their own multiculturalism succeed. How to cite Multiculturalism in Leicester, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Thinking and Writing about Art History
This essay will discuss the painting by Samuel Richards which is called Blissful Hours. It is necessary for us to focus on the artistic elements of this picture and its theme. The author completed it in Munich in 1885. Eight year later it was first exhibited in Chicago World’s Columbian Exposition. This is an oil picture, and its canvas is 39 1/2 x 57 1/4 inches.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Thinking and Writing about Art History specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to Samuel Richards’s letter, this work depicts a village girl who works on her bridal dress (Tottis, 216). The artist has never explicitly stated the purpose of this work. Yet, one can deduce that he strives to portray the life of rural people in the nineteenth-century Europe. The main message of this picture can open to various interpretations, for instance, it can demonstrate how women of that period were dependant on marital status and how important wedlock was for them. This picture has some elements of Romantic and Baroque painting. In particular, one can speak about the blurring of shapes and colors. The painter used this element of design in order to focus the viewer’s attention on the maiden rather than on some elements of decor like furniture. Samuel Richards uses grey, white, and beige colors. In many cases, they merge into one another. Perhaps, in this way, he tried to emphasize the gentleness of this village girl. Again, this response can be explained by the fact that she is placed in the most illuminated part of the room and the viewers can see her tender face and hands. It is possible to say that she is the focal point of this painting. This work fits into the career of this artist. One can draw parallels between this painting and some other works by Samuel Richards, for example, German Girl, or Head of a Peasant. Overall, rural life is an important theme in his works (Tottis, 216). Mo reover, one should take into account that this artist grew up and often lived in such environment. Thus, this painting fits his career and life. While working on this painting the author relied primarily on visual rather than literary sources. This work of art can tell us much about the social relations of that period. In particular, it can show that marriage was of the crucial importance for women of that period. It was one of the ways in which they could raise their social status. Overall, this work was praised for its realistic portrayal of village life and household (Tottis, 217). In terms of themes, this work can be compared to other works done at the same time, for instance, the painting by Jean-Francois Millet which is called The Gleaners. This painting also depicts the life and labor of rural women.Advertising Looking for essay on art? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As far as the process of this artistic piece is conc erned, we can say that very little is known about it. Samuel Richard completed this painting in Munich and he was working in a village near this city. Yet, there are no preliminary sketches of this artistic work. This artistic piece represents American painting of the nineteenth century. It can give us a glimpse in to the life of rural society of that period. Moreover, this artistic piece is significant from purely artistic standpoint. Samuel Richards’ use of color, his sense of unity and proportion can still be admired. One should take into account that the artist portrays not only one girl, but probable a whole generation of rural and peasant women. This is why one can say that this work is symbolic. Works Cited Tottis, James. American paintings in the Detroit Institute of Arts: Forging a modern identity : masters of American painting born after 1847. Detroit: Giles in association with the Detroit Institute of Arts, 2005. Print. This essay on Thinking and Writing about Art History was written and submitted by user James Buchanan Barnes to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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