Monday, December 23, 2019

Gender And Sexuality Long Essay - 2508 Words

Meghan Kearney Gender and Sexuality Long Essay 4/14/15 The â€Å"50 Shades of Grey† franchise has blurred, or â€Å"grayed† the lines between what is considered acceptable and what is considered sexual abuse. This franchise demonstrated how the social construction of gender roles has played a powerful role in the prominence and reporting of rape, and how the media has come to influence sexual assault cases, it’s victims, and the perpetrators. The media has an interesting portrayal of male and females roles, particularly in film. One specific portrayal of male versus female sexuality was in the book and movie, â€Å"50 Shades of Grey†. In both reading the book and watching the movie, it became clear to me how the gender roles of Anastasia and Mr. Grey†¦show more content†¦The fact that Anastasia agrees to be a submissive and accepts her role just goes to show how engrained these social constructions of gender roles are within society. It has become normalized for the male to be in control and the fema le to just give in to this control and do anything to satisfy the male. While Anastasia is not technically raped at any part of the book or movie, she is assaulted and feels extremely uncomfortable with the situation she is in. Gender roles have been socially constructed, and this plays a major role in society’s expectations from males and females. Gender norms are expectations of how boys and girls should act, including everything from what they should wear, how emotional they should be, or whether they should be passive or aggressive. In â€Å"50 Shades of Grey†, Anastasia is portrayed as a woman with typical female attributes; she has a low self-esteem and is portrayed as weak and unable to care for herself, demonstrating that she needs a man to care for her. She is even forced to sign a contract that requires her to work out four times a week. I thought this was interesting because there is a certain way in which society expects women to look, and by adhering to a strict training schedule, she is forced to give into these expectations and have a fit body that is sexually appealing to men, and specifically Christian Grey who has taken control of just about every aspect of her life. Conflict theorists seem to believe that the social

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