Saturday, February 15, 2020

Literature Review Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Literature Review - Research Paper Example rce Management and Performance Sharpening Line of Sight," examines the existing correlation among an organizations management strategy, its human resources, and performance, as its end product; its emphasis was more on the side of the HR practitioners who are in charge of HR functions in a firm. More than their obligation to manage HR activities, according to Buller and McEvoy (2012), HR professionals contribute to how the entire organization performs. The authors have linked the efficiency of HR practitioners to the so-called "line of sight." This points to the level of influence that "an employee has on a performance measure (Jackson, Schuler, & Werner, 2012, p. 407). Therefore, when employees’ line of sight increases, their determination to work efficiently, in order to obtain rewards or incentives, will develop, resulting to an increased level of performance. Also stressed is the relevance of establishing an organizational architecture to enable the firms management to mee ting its goals. On the other hand, Ridder et al.s (2012) article entitled "The Whole is More Than the Sum of its Parts? How HRM is Configured in Nonprofit Organizations and Why it Matters" has explored the usefulness of HRM practices in the context of a non-profit organization (NPO). Similar to Buller and McEvoys (2012) article, Ridder et al. (2012) also mentioned the term architecture in their written piece, but this time it is specified with human resource. Ridder et al. (2012), have studied and provided a picture of how HR architecture is being done through using NPOs as its subject ("Human Resource," 2002). HR architecture shapes a firm’s infrastructure, which takes into account the process of standard selection, response of a supervisor in dealing with problems, promotions as well as pay-change policies. Most of the time, the establishment of HR architecture is dependent on the size of a firm. Buller and McEvoy (2012) did not specify what type of organization is likely to develop

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